Navajo-Churro Yarn:
This yarn was spun using only the outer coat, so it is very durable and a very firm hand. The warp has a gradient tonal from grey to light oatmeal color.
Gradient Tone - Gray to Light Oatmeal
7.6 oz
Beautiful sheep and an abundance of wool!
We have been raising Navajo-Churro and Jacob sheep for years and enjoyed combing & carding pounds of roving every year. We've made sweaters and rugs and scarfs and most other items that can be and yet we still have an abundance!
We use a local mill to produce our roving and hand comb & card for a unique and high quality product. We're looking to share our bounty beyond our neighborhood this year.
Please check out our farm website for more info and to view pictures of the sheep and other products.
We will ship your order as quickly as possible! Or if you are local, Please contact us before purchasing to arrange a local pickup at the farm.